
Respiratory symptoms vary throughout menstrual cycle

(HealthDay)—The frequency of respiratory symptoms, including wheeze, shortness of breath, and cough, varies throughout the menstrual cycle, according to a study published online Nov. 29 in the American Journal of Respiratory ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Prenatal testosterone levels influence later response to reward

New findings led by Dr. Michael Lombardo, Prof. Simon Baron-Cohen and colleagues at the University of Cambridge indicate that testosterone levels early in fetal development influence later sensitivity of brain regions related ...


Eunuchs outlive other men

Castrated men living in Korea centuries ago outlived other men by a significant margin. The findings, reported in the September 25 issue of Current Biology, suggest that male sex hormones are responsible for shortening the ...


The eyes have it: Men do see things differently to women

The way that the visual centers of men and women's brains works is different, finds new research published in BioMed Central's open access journal Biology of Sex Differences. Men have greater sensitivity to fine detail and ...

Autism spectrum disorders

Researchers reveal new mechanism behind more male autism

(Medical Xpress) -- New University of Otago research into two sex hormones released by the testes of male fetuses and boys may help solve the enduring mystery of why autism is much more common in boys than girls.

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