Oncology & Cancer

Study confirms long term benefits of tamoxifen

(Medical Xpress)—Taking tamoxifen for 10 rather than five years halves the risk of women dying from the most common kind of breast cancer, according to new research being presented at this year's ASCO conference.

Alzheimer's disease & dementia

Female sex hormones and mechanics of memory

Dr. Karyn Frick was puzzled. Her two-year study, begun with funding from Women's Health Research at Yale in 2005, found that long-term treatment with the sex hormones estrogen and progesterone did not improve memory as anticipated.

Medical research

Estrogen's effects on fat depends on where it's located

Women have long bemoaned the fact that they tend to store more fat than men, particularly after menopause. Although it's well established that estrogen, the primary sex hormone present during women's childbearing years, is ...

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