
How do the effects of childhood abuse extend into middle age?

Childhood sexual abuse can lead to depression, anxiety, cardiovascular disease and other health problems later in life. Not all abused children experience these problems, however, and researchers are working to understand ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Young sexual abuse victims may be at more risk online

Teenage girls' internet activity—together with offline risk factors—can increase their risk of online victimization, and this is more likely for those who have experienced childhood sexual abuse, suggests a study published ...

Health informatics

Child abuse and neglect linked to early death in adulthood

Children who experience sexual or physical abuse or are neglected are more likely to die prematurely as adults, according to a new study analyzing data from the 1950s to the present by researchers at UCL and the University ...


For one group in child welfare, trauma is especially common

While many parents and caregivers involved in the child welfare system suffered trauma as children, new research suggests that those with substance misuse issues as adults may have had particularly difficult childhoods.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Mental, physical, sexual abuse up for transgender adolescents

(HealthDay)—Transgender adolescents (TGAs) have increased odds of psychological, physical, and sexual abuse compared with heterosexual cisgender adolescents (CGAs), according to a study published online July 5 in Pediatrics.

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