
How #MeToo can guide sex education in schools

Six months after the explosive allegations of sexual harassment against Hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein came to light, giving impetus to the #MeToo movement, this series looks at the aftermath of the movement, and if ...


Young men who have sex with men receive less HIV education

Young men who have sex with men (MSM) are at much higher risk of HIV infection compared to their peers, but a new study led by a Boston University School of Public Health (BUSPH) researcher suggests young MSM are less likely ...


Pregnant at 15, the teenage mothers of Romania

"God has given me a beautiful little girl. But life is difficult because I am still a child myself," says Lorena, one of more than 2,000 girls under 16 who give birth in Romania each year, some as young as 12.


Key to better sex ed: Focus on gender & power

A new analysis by Population Council researcher Nicole Haberland provides powerful evidence that sexuality and HIV education programs addressing gender and power in intimate relationships are far more likely to be effective ...

Autism spectrum disorders

Adults with autism at higher risk of sexual victimization

Adults with autism are at a higher risk of sexual victimization than adults without, due to lack of sex education, but with improved interventions that focus on sexual knowledge and skill building, the risk could be reduced, ...

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