
Secondary students' sexual health survey

Sexually active Australian secondary students tend to engage in responsible sexual behaviour but there is still room to improve knowledge and education for this group, according to a nationwide survey conducted by La Trobe ...


New reconstructive surgery for female genital mutilation

There is new hope for the hundreds of millions of women worldwide who have been subjected to genital mutilation. A surgeon in Penn Medicine's Center for Human Appearance has developed a reconstructive procedure that can increase ...


LGBT-friendly primary care improves STD screening rates

(HealthDay)—A quality improvement initiative that enhances lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) affirming care also improves screening rates for sexually transmitted diseases, according to a study published in ...

Arthritis & Rheumatism

What is gonococcal arthritis?

Heard of gonorrhea? Most likely. What about gonococcal arthritis? Maybe not.

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

WHO panel: Monkeypox not a global emergency 'at this stage'

The World Health Organization said the escalating monkeypox outbreak in more than 50 countries should be closely monitored but does not warrant being declared a global health emergency.

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