Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Ebola's long-term effects revealed

People who survive Ebola may still battle debilitating health problems a year after being declared infection-free, according to an ongoing trial in Guinea which highlighted the need for patient followup.

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

UN sets its sights on superbugs

World leaders on Wednesday will for the first time tackle the growing scourge of superbacteria, which are resistant to antibiotics and are making illnesses from tuberculosis to sexually transmitted diseases increasingly ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Safe sex or no sex after visiting Zika-hit areas: WHO

People who travel to Zika-hit areas should practice safe sex or have no sex at all for at least eight weeks after their return to avoid sexual transmission of the virus, WHO said Tuesday.

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

WHO: Ebola no longer world health emergency

The World Health Organization said Tuesday that the Ebola outbreak in West Africa no longer qualifies as an international health emergency, although it cautioned that male survivors can infect their sexual partners for up ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Chile reports first case of sexually transmitted Zika

Authorities Saturday reported the first sexually transmitted case of Zika in mainland Chile, where there is no known presence of the mosquito generally blamed for passing on the virus suspected of causing birth defects.

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