Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Chile reports first case of sexually transmitted Zika

Authorities Saturday reported the first sexually transmitted case of Zika in mainland Chile, where there is no known presence of the mosquito generally blamed for passing on the virus suspected of causing birth defects.


PrEP: A shield against AIDS

"It's magic," said Francois, smiling. "Every time I take a pill I think about the people who aren't so lucky as to have this option."


Intimacy a strong motivator for PrEP HIV prevention

Men in steady same-sex relationships where both partners are HIV negative will often forgo condoms out of a desire to preserve intimacy, even if they also have sex outside the relationship. But the risk of HIV still lurks. ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Portugal finds 5 monkeypox cases in men as outbreak spreads

Portuguese health authorities on Wednesday confirmed five cases of monkeypox in young men, and Britain announced another two, marking an unusual outbreak in Europe of a disease typically limited to Africa.

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