
Hope for men affected by 'overlooked' sexual issue

It is hoped new research will assist clinicians in helping millions of men who suffer from an overlooked sexual complaint, despite no medications approved by regulators in the UK currently being available.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Predicting problematic pornography use

Using pornography compulsively; using it to cope with negative emotions; being disturbed by one's own choice of pornographic material; feeling ashamed of using pornography—according to a new international study led by Beáta ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Complex PTSD linked to suicidal behavior in sexual minorities

A study from the University of Georgia has found that complex post-traumatic stress disorder—a type of PTSD caused by chronic, long-lasting or repeated traumatic events—plays an important role in how trauma impacts lesbian, ...


Exploring how uncertainty motivates actions in epidemics

In an epidemic, we often focus on three staple metrics: Who does or doesn't have the disease, the rate at which people are contracting the disease, and the mortality rates. What's often left out, as explored in a new book ...

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