
Using feminist theory to understand male rape

Decades of feminist research have framed rape and sexual assault as a 'women's issue', leaving little room for the experiences of male victims. But a new study published in the Journal of Gender Studies suggests that feminist ...


Child neglect linked to teen pregnancy

Children who experience neglect are seven times more likely than other abuse victims to have a teen pregnancy say University of Queensland researchers.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Improving violence victims' mental health

(Medical Xpress) -- New guidance developed by Cardiff experts to improve mental health outcomes for people affected by violence has been published by the Royal College of Psychiatrists.


'Stranger danger' in the online and real word

The term "stranger danger" was coined as a warning to children: beware the unknown adult, proceed with caution and be very careful what personal information you reveal. The question is, do adults take their own advice? Perhaps ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

New psychology study reveals unexamined costs of rape

Depression and post-traumatic stress disorder are commonly associated with sexual assault, but a new study from The University of Texas at Austin shows that female victims suffer from a wide spectrum of debilitating effects ...

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