Psychology & Psychiatry

New diagnosis category in post-traumatic stress disorder

The World Health Organization (WHO) recently listed a new sibling diagnosis for post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), termed complex post-traumatic stress disorder (CPTSD). An international team with the involvement of the ...

Oncology & Cancer

US cervical cancers fall but other sex-related cancers rise

Screening and the HPV vaccine have led to drops in cervical cancers over the last two decades in the U.S., a new study finds, but the gains are offset by a rise in other tumors caused by the virus.

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Video: Can the coronavirus be transmitted during sex?

While there have been no documented cases of COVID-19 being transmitted sexually, there is still a strong likelihood of speading the disease during a sexual encounter due to the intimiate physical contact and lack of social ...

Medical research

New male contraceptive does not involve hormones

A team of researchers at a company called Contraline has developed a new kind of male contraceptive. Instead of using hormones to disrupt sperm production, the new technique involves placing a hydrogel called ADAM into the ...

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