Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

19 ill in suspected norovirus outbreak on liner

Nineteen people aboard the cruise ship Queen Mary 2 have been diagnosed with a gastrointestinal illness as the liner docked Friday in the Caribbean island of St. Lucia.

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Vomiting bug-hit cruise ship back in Britain

A liner hit by the winter vomiting bug during a pre-Christmas cruise arrived back in port in England on Friday after one passenger dubbed it a "plague ship".


As pot goes proper, a history of weed

(AP)—The grass is no greener. But, finally, it's legal—at least somewhere in America. It's been a long, strange trip for marijuana.

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Cruise ship crew member dies of meningitis in Italy

An Indonesian cruise ship crew member died of meningitis on Tuesday, nine days after being hospitalised with three colleagues in the western Italian port city of Livorno, health sources said.

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