
Making moves to understand cognitive function in the brain

It is known that certain areas of the brain are responsible for certain functions of the body. The cerebellum, a structure found in the back of the skull, is known to be important for the control of movement, while the frontal ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Altruism can be trained

Whether regarding climate change and its consequences, the refugee crisis or the unfair distribution of wealth, when looking for solutions to these global challenges, the decisions of individuals, such as their willingness ...


Sleep and cardiovascular health in women

Jason Carter, associate vice president for research development and professor of kinesiology and integrative physiology, is speaking at the 2018 National Institute of Health Heart, Lung and Blood Institute Research Conference ...


Too much sleep bad for brain, study says

Preliminary results from the world's largest sleep study have shown that people who sleep on average between seven to eight hours per night performed better cognitively than those who slept less – or more – than this ...


UK plans medicine airlift in no-deal Brexit

Britain is preparing to airlift in medicines with a short shelf life if London cannot strike a Brexit deal with the EU, the government said Thursday.

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