Medical research

Study finds direct oxidative stress damage shortens telomeres

The same sources thought to inflict oxidative stress on cells—pollution, diesel exhaust, smoking and obesity—also are associated with shorter telomeres, the protective tips on the ends of the chromosomal shoelace.

Medical research

CBT for social anxiety may have a protective effect on cells

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) for patients with social anxiety not only helps to reduce anxiety levels but also seems to protect against accelerated cellular ageing, a study involving researchers at Karolinska Institutet ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Girls under stress age more rapidly, new study reveals

(Medical Xpress)—Stress takes a toll on both mind and body. Intuitively, that's not a big surprise. Many studies have found links among stress, depression and disease. But scientists didn't really know which came first: ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Study links telomere length to risk of death from COVID-19

New research to be presented at this year's European Congress of Clinical Microbiology & Infectious Diseases (ECCMID) in Lisbon, Portugal (23-26 April), suggests that shorter telomeres, a feature of aging, may influence the ...

Medical research

Two-step process leads to cell immortalization and cancer

A mutation that helps make cells immortal is critical to the development of a tumor, but new research at the University of California, Berkeley suggests that becoming immortal is a more complicated process than originally ...

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