Medical research

Using a robotic shoulder to grow tendon tissue

A team of researchers from the University of Oxford and Devanthro GmbH has modified a robot shoulder to serve as a stretching mechanism in an effort to grow useful human tendon tissue. In their paper published in the journal ...


Scientists 3-D print human of the future

Interactive 3-D models of human joints, showing how common medical complaints have arisen and how we are likely to evolve in the future, have been created at Oxford University.

Inflammatory disorders

Could aspirin shoulder the burden of inflammation?

Aspirin could be used as an anti-inflammatory drug, bringing relief to the thousands who suffer with shoulder pain, Oxford University researchers have found.


'Tech neck' is a pain in more than just the neck

The typical average adult head weighs approximately 10–12 pounds. But did you know that bending it forward at a 45-degree angle to look at a cellphone or tablet can dramatically increase your chances to have "tech neck?"

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