Autism spectrum disorders

Siblings of children with autism can show signs at 18 months

About 20% of younger siblings of children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) will develop the condition by age 3. A new study by Yale School of Medicine researchers has found that 57% of these younger siblings who later ...


Routinely separating siblings in foster care is unacceptable

In order to protect children from harm, the state has the power to separate children from their parents. In exceptional cases it is sometimes necessary to separate siblings – to protect them from harm or ensure their individual ...


Sibling bullies may leave lasting effects

(HealthDay)—While a burly kid on the playground may be the stereotype of a childhood bully, a new study suggests some of the most damaging bullies are as close to home as you can get: They're siblings who tease, make fun ...

Overweight & Obesity

Sibling composition impacts childhood obesity risk

It is well documented that children with obese parents are at greater risk for obesity. In a new study, researchers from Massachusetts General Hospital, Cornell University, and Duke University looked at how different kinds ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Parents see sibling fighting as normal

(Medical Xpress)—Three out of four Australian parents are concerned about their children fighting yet claim their kids get along well, a University of Queensland study has found.


When kids are old enough to stay home alone

(Medical Xpress)—As the school year draws to a close, many parents face the question of whether their children can be left home alone during the day in the summer months.

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