
Community gardens may produce more than vegetables

People who participate in community gardening have a significantly lower body mass index—as well as lower odds of being overweight or obese—than do their non-gardening neighbors. Researchers at the University of Utah ...


Routinely separating siblings in foster care is unacceptable

In order to protect children from harm, the state has the power to separate children from their parents. In exceptional cases it is sometimes necessary to separate siblings – to protect them from harm or ensure their individual ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Sibling bullying: What's the big deal?

Sibling bullying is a type of violence that is prevalent in the lives of most children, but little is known about it, researchers say.

Autism spectrum disorders

The 'learning curve' of living with Asperger's

(HealthDay)—Asperger's syndrome is disappearing as an official diagnosis, but people who live with its symptoms will continue to struggle.

Medical research

Child donors' psychological risk unknown

It is accepted medical practice that child siblings, even as young as six months, can be used as bone marrow or blood stem cell donors to save a brother or sister with a life-threatening illness.

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