
Body mass may be more nurture than nature

(Medical Xpress)—The influence of genes on body mass index scores is substantially lower than previously thought, researchers at The University of Queensland have found.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Sibling bullying: What's the big deal?

Sibling bullying is a type of violence that is prevalent in the lives of most children, but little is known about it, researchers say.


Functional issues up in siblings of children with disability

(HealthDay)—Siblings of children with disability have higher levels of parent-reported functional impairment compared to siblings of typically developing children, according to research published online July 29 in Pediatrics.


Study links mental illness to early death in people with epilepsy

People with epilepsy are ten times more likely to die early, before their mid-fifties, compared with the general population, according to a 41 year study in Sweden published today in the Lancet and part-funded by the Wellcome ...

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