Medical research

Researchers discover new pathway for improving metabolic health

Blocking the action of an enzyme involved in protein digestion may improve metabolic health, according to a new study published ahead of print in the American Journal of Physiology—Gastrointestinal and Liver Physiology. ...

Oncology & Cancer

Researchers find BRAF protein modification could slow tumor growth

The protein BRAF is a key player in the development of many different types of cancer, including melanoma. Scientists have known that BRAF becomes activated by growth factors and subsequently stimulates downstream proteins ...

Medical research

Sweetening the deal on bone repair

By replacing or replenishing injured tissue with biomimetic structures, scientists can help initiate stem cell-driven repair cascades throughout the body. Insights from an A*STAR-led study of the interactions between bone ...

Medical research

Oscillation in muscle tissue

When a muscle grows or a muscle injury heals, some stem cells develop into new muscle cells. A research team at the MDC led by Carmen Birchmeier has now described in the journal Genes & Development how this process is regulated ...

Oncology & Cancer

The immune system's supercell—how it matures

Natural killer cells (NK cells), play an important role in the body's defences against cancer and infections. Now, in a joint project, researchers at Lund University in Sweden, the University of Oxford, and Karolinska Institutet ...

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