
How the brain filters sounds

The sound environment is extremely dense, which is why the brain has to adapt and implement filtering mechanisms that allow it to hold its attention on the most important elements and save energy. When two identical sounds ...


New blood test for detecting Alzheimer's disease

Researchers from Lund University, together with the Roche pharmaceutical company, have developed a method to create a new blood marker capable of detecting whether or not a person has Alzheimer's disease. If the method is ...

Oncology & Cancer

New biomarker test improves diagnosis of ovarian cancer

The majority of women who undergo surgery for suspected ovarian cancer do not have cancer. A novel blood test developed by researchers at Uppsala University and the Sahlgrenska Academy, University of Gothenburg, now offers ...

Alzheimer's disease & dementia

Early-stage detection of Alzheimer's in the blood

Using current techniques, Alzheimer's disease, the most frequent cause of dementia, can only be detected once characteristic plaques have formed in the brain. At this point, therapy is no longer possible. However, the first ...

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