Alzheimer's disease & dementia

First blood test to help diagnose Alzheimer's goes on sale

A company has started selling the first blood test to help diagnose Alzheimer's disease, a leap for the field that could make it much easier for people to learn whether they have dementia. It also raises concern about the ...


Quinn on Nutrition: ABC's to manage diabetes

An editor who publishes this column in Australia called me out after my recent three part series on the ABC's of good foods. He pointed out that, after P for peas and Q for quinoa, I ended the second of three columns with ...

Oncology & Cancer

'Sponge on a string' test to transform esophageal cancer diagnosis

A "sponge on a string" pill test can identify ten times more people with Barrett's esophagus than the usual GP route, according to a new study funded by Cancer Research UK and published in The Lancet today. The test, which ...

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