Oncology & Cancer

Blood cell mutations linked to leukemias are inevitable as we age

A new study by researchers at the RIKEN Center for Integrative Medical Science in Japan reports differences in blood cell mutations between Japanese and European populations. The study found that these pre-clinical mutations ...

Oncology & Cancer

Scientists identify cancer biomarkers in breast milk

A simple blood test for women of all ages and risk levels could one day be possible thanks to a new set of protein biomarkers that researchers identified using breast milk.

Medical research

Researchers develop blood test to predict liver cancer risk

An estimated one-quarter of adults in the U.S. have nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), an excess of fat in liver cells that can cause chronic inflammation and liver damage, increasing the risk of liver cancer. Now, ...


Do you need more vitamin D in the winter?

Vitamin D is a nutrient your body needs to keep your bones healthy and strong. It also has properties that support your immune system and neuromuscular health.


Quinn on Nutrition: ABC's to manage diabetes

An editor who publishes this column in Australia called me out after my recent three part series on the ABC's of good foods. He pointed out that, after P for peas and Q for quinoa, I ended the second of three columns with ...

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