Oncology & Cancer

Pumping iron could save your life

As far back as Ancient Greece, a sculptured physique has been heralded as the pinnacle of physical perfection. But now, researchers from Japan have found that increased muscle mass doesn't just make you look good, it could ...

Medical research

Muscles support a strong immune system

In the fight against cancer or chronic infections, the immune system must be active over long periods of time. However, in the long run, the immune defense system often becomes exhausted. Scientists at the German Cancer Research ...

Medical research

Researchers create skeletal muscle from stem cells

UCLA scientists have developed a new strategy to efficiently isolate, mature and transplant skeletal muscle cells created from human pluripotent stem cells, which can produce all cell types of the body. The findings are a ...

Medical research

Nitric oxide could make blood transfusions safer

(Medical Xpress)—Blood transfusions are supposed to save lives. Doctors give transfusions to severely ill or injured people with the expectation that their conditions will improve. In fact, transfusions do not always help ...

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