Biomedical technology

FRESH 3-D-printing platform paves way for tissues, organs

Research into 3-D bioprinting has grown rapidly in recent years as scientists seek to re-create the structure and function of complex biological systems from human tissues to entire organs.

Medical research

Digging deep for differences in Duchenne muscular dystrophy

A UT Southwestern research team has cataloged gene activity in the skeletal muscle of mice, comparing healthy animals to those carrying a genetic mutation that causes Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) in humans. The findings, ...

Medical research

Fixing muscle and the brain

With the number of times the word "gel" comes up in the research of Nenad Bursac and Tatiana Segura, one would be forgiven for thinking they might work in the haircare or running shoe industries. Their gels, however, are ...

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