Medical research

Fixing muscle and the brain

With the number of times the word "gel" comes up in the research of Nenad Bursac and Tatiana Segura, one would be forgiven for thinking they might work in the haircare or running shoe industries. Their gels, however, are ...

Medical research

Adipogenic progenitors keep muscle stem cells young

In adult skeletal muscle, loss of myofiber integrity caused by mechanical injuries or diseases are repaired by resident muscle stem cells, called satellite cells, which promptly exit from quiescence after disruption of muscle ...

Medical research

No bones about it, this protein slows down fracture-healing

Broken bones are a bigger deal the older you are: even after they've healed, the bones of older people are weaker and more likely to re-fracture. And since more than 6 million Americans break a bone each year, figuring out ...

Medical research

Spinal organoids mimic neurodegenerative disease

'Organoids' that mimic the developing spinal cord could assist research and drug development for neurodegenerative diseases such as spinal muscular atrophy and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.

Medical research

Researchers develop drug to rejuvenate muscle cells

Researchers from The University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston have developed a promising drug that has proven to significantly increase muscle size, strength and metabolic state in aged mice, according to a study just ...

Medical research

Skeletal stem cells regress when tasked with extensive regeneration

Adult mouse skeletal stem cells in the jaw revert to a more developmentally flexible state when called upon to regenerate large portions of bone and tissue, according to a study by researchers at the Stanford University School ...

Medical research

Researchers identify human skeletal stem cells

Human skeletal stem cells that become bone, cartilage, or stroma cells have been isolated from fetal and adult bones. This is the first time that skeletal stem cells, which had been observed in rodent models, have been identified ...

Medical research

Research derives muscle stem cells from teratomas

Researchers at the University of Minnesota Medical School have developed a process to regenerate skeletal muscle cells in mice with muscular dystrophy. The unlikely source of those cells is a type of benign tumor called a ...

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