Psychology & Psychiatry

Toddlers' language development can predict later ability

A team of researchers, led by Professor James Law from the School of Education, Communication and Language Sciences, looked at the existing evidence to find out which interventions have the greatest potential for boosting ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Early motor skills may affect language development

Learning to sit up, crawl and walk are all major milestones in a child's early development – and parents often record these actions in baby diaries, photographs and videos. Developing motor skills allows the child to become ...


Study: Big brains allow dexterous hands

People are skilled with their hands, but take a long time to learn dexterous abilities. It takes babies generally around five months before they can purposely grip an object. Learning more complicated skills such as eating ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Chatty kids do better at school

Young children go on to achieve more academic success when their verbal skills are enhanced, a new study suggests.

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