Oncology & Cancer

Patients with rare skin cancer face 40% recurrence rate

Patients treated for Merkel cell carcinoma (MCC) face a five-year recurrence rate of 40%—markedly higher than the recurrence rates for melanoma and other skin cancers, according to research published today in JAMA Dermatology.

Oncology & Cancer

Suppressing the spread of tumors

Why some patients develop metastases and others do not is largely unclear. Researchers around ISTA professor Daria Siekhaus are now contributing to a better understanding of the process in certain types of cancer. They took ...

Oncology & Cancer

A mobile app and AI software to speed up skin-cancer diagnoses

When skin cancer is detected early, there is a good chance of recovery. Fraunhofer researchers have developed a digital solution to significantly speed-up diagnosis. A mobile application assists in recording skin lesions ...

Oncology & Cancer

Research suggests possibility of vaccine to prevent skin cancer

Research by the Oregon State University College of Pharmacy suggests that a vaccine stimulating production of a protein critical to the skin's antioxidant network could help people bolster their defenses against skin cancer.

Oncology & Cancer

Researchers train an AI platform to detect skin cancer

A study identifying new ways to detect skin cancer using artificial intelligence (AI) has been conducted by researchers from the University of Hawaiʻi Cancer Center. Investigators successfully created and trained an AI platform ...

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