Overweight & Obesity

Weight loss and lifestyle program cuts severity of sleep apnea

An interdisciplinary weight loss and lifestyle intervention is associated with clinically meaningful and sustainable improvements in obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) severity and health-related quality of life, according to ...


Drug reduces frequency of breathing pauses in sleep apnea

A new University of Gothenburg study has paved the way for the first drug treatment for sleep apnea. Compared to before receiving the treatment, breathing pauses decreased with on average more than 20 per hour for patients ...


Esophageal acid exposure shorter with left lateral sleep position

(HealthDay)—During sleep, the left lateral decubitus position is associated with shorter esophageal acid exposure time and faster esophageal acid clearance, according to a study published in the February issue of The American ...

Sleep disorders

Bringing telemedicine to sleep apnea patients

Sleep apnea is an underdiagnosed and undertreated condition, but as awareness and demand for care increase, University at Buffalo School of Management researchers have helped create a new set of digital tools to serve the ...

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