
Acupressure ups sleep quality in nursing home residents

(HealthDay)—For nursing home (NH) residents, acupressure on specific acupoints is associated with improved sleep quality and well-being, according to a study published online Feb. 2 in the Journal of the American Geriatrics ...


Japan firm starts Down's therapy test

A Japanese pharmaceutical company said Monday it will begin therapeutic testing of a drug it hopes will slow the decline in quality of life for some people with Down's syndrome.


Poor infant sleep may predict problematic toddler behavior

Temper tantrums and misbehavior, restlessness and inattention are the trappings of the typical toddler. But they may also be signs of developmental delays or disorders. Are infant sleep irregularities red flags for later ...


Discrimination may affect adolescents' sleep quality

In a Child Development study of daily diary descriptions of discrimination by minority adolescents, experiencing discrimination during the day was associated with compromised sleep quality that night, as well as feelings ...

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