
On nutrition: Supplements for sleep

It's true that as we age, we don't sleep as well or as long. Why is that? Scientists say several changes occur with aging that disrupt our natural sleep cycle.


Can you be overweight and healthy?

One of the most contentious questions asked in the health community today is whether you can be overweight and healthy.

Gerontology & Geriatrics

Music improves older adults' sleep quality

Listening to music before going to be can improve sleep quality among older adults, according to an analysis of all relevant published clinical trials.


Public health consequences of policing homelessness

Two weeks ago, Colorado State Patrol troopers began clearing out nearly 200 residents from homeless encampments that surround the Colorado Capitol. The enforcement of city ordinances like camping bans, park curfews and obstructions ...


Discrimination may affect adolescents' sleep quality

In a Child Development study of daily diary descriptions of discrimination by minority adolescents, experiencing discrimination during the day was associated with compromised sleep quality that night, as well as feelings ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

The interplay between relationships, stress, and sleep

A new Personal Relationships study documents how the quality of a person's romantic relationship and the life stress he or she experiences at two key points in early adulthood (at age 23 and 32) are related to sleep quality ...


Surgical menopause leads to increased sleep issues

Insomnia is one of the most common symptoms of menopause, with nearly 20% of postmenopausal women reporting sleep disturbances. A new study from Korea demonstrates that sleep quality is often worse for women who undergo surgical ...

Arthritis & Rheumatism

Studies provide new insights into the role of sleep in chronic pain

The results of two studies presented today at the Annual European Congress of Rheumatology (EULAR 2018) provide insight into the role of sleep in chronic pain. The first study demonstrates a predictive role of sleep problems ...

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