
Regular caffeine consumption affects brain structure

Coffee, cola or an energy drink: caffeine is the world's most widely consumed psychoactive substance. Researchers from the University of Basel have now shown in a study that regular caffeine intake can change the gray matter ...


Sleep deprivation found to trigger initial seizure 

Neurologists studying WA's first-ever seizure database have established that sleep deprivation is more likely to act as a trigger for people having seizures, rather than a provoked cause of epilepsy.


Don't sleep on it: going to bed mad makes it worse

A good night's sleep may reinforce negative memories in the brain, researchers said on Tuesday, lending scientific credence to the time-worn caution against going to bed angry.


Study reveals the face of sleep deprivation

A new study finds that sleep deprivation affects facial features such as the eyes, mouth and skin, and these features function as cues of sleep loss to other people.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Staying awake—the surprisingly effective way to treat depression

The first sign that something is happening is Angelina's hands. As she chats to the nurse in Italian, she begins to gesticulate, jabbing, moulding and circling the air with her fingers. As the minutes pass and Angelina becomes ...


Study shows how sleep deprivation affects cognitive performance

Anyone who has ever had a night of poor sleep or no sleep at all knows how much the lack of sleep can affect concentration the next day. Researchers at the Leibniz Research Center for Working Environment and Human Factors ...

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