
The statistics of human sleep

When Yogesh Lad traveled halfway around the world to pursue a master's degree in systems engineering at Missouri S&T, he never imagined he would be spending so much time with biologists.


The secret connection between anxiety and sleep

You may have experienced sleepless nights when you were anxious, stressed or too excited. Such emotions are well-known to affect wakefulness and can even cause insomnia, though the underlying mechanisms in our brain have ...


Connecting the dots between dreams and brain disease

Dr. John Peever at the University of Toronto has been working to answer one of humanity's greatest questions: how do we dream? He has found a certain area of the brain is responsible for this phenomenon and that troubles ...

Sleep disorders

Sleep apnea and insomnia in African-Americans goes undiagnosed

African Americans with sleep apnea and insomnia are rarely diagnosed with either problem, even when the severity of the two sleep disorders are likely to affect their health, according to new research presented at the ATS ...

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