Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

WHO urges billions to fight neglected tropical diseases

The World Health Organization on Thursday urged countries to invest billions of dollars to tackle 17 neglected tropical diseases—including dengue fever, leprosy and sleeping sickness—which kill 500,000 people globally ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Single dose reverses autism-like symptoms in mice

In a further test of a novel theory that suggests autism is the consequence of abnormal cell communication, researchers at the University of California, San Diego School of Medicine report that an almost century-old drug ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

African sleeping sickness: a tale of two parasites

(Medical Xpress) -- The savannahs and rainforests of Africa bring to mind romantic notions of wildlife, adventure and exploration. But beneath this natural beauty lies a deadly, long-neglected disease: trypanosomiasis, otherwise ...

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