
Quantifying sleepiness and how it relates to depression

Sleep disturbance is a significant issue for many individuals with depressive illnesses. While most individuals deal with an inability to sleep, or insomnia, about 20-30 percent of depressed patients report the opposite problem ...


The brain puts the memories warehouse in order while we sleep

During the hours of sleep, the brain performs a cleaning shift. A study led by a Spanish scientist at the University of Cambridge reveals that the neural connections associated with memory are strengthened and those created ...


Deep sleep critical for visual learning

Remember those "Magic Eye" posters from the 1990s? You let your eyes relax, and out of the tessellating structures, a 3-D image of a dolphin or a yin yang or a shark would emerge.


Why do we fall asleep when bored?

Humans often defy sleepiness and stay awake when attention is necessary,yet experience an inescapable desire to sleep in boring situations. The brain mechanisms governing the regulation of sleep by cognitive and emotional ...


Does marijuana affect your sleep?

If you speak to someone who has suffered from insomnia at all as an adult, chances are good that person has either tried using marijuana, or cannabis, for sleep or has thought about it.


'Waves' of neural activity give new clues about Alzheimer's

While unconscious during deep sleep, slow-wave neuron activity travels across the cerebral cortex. This phenomenon is related to the consolidation of memory. A European project called SloW Dyn, led by Spanish scientists, ...


Deep sleep reinforces the learning of new motor skills

The benefits of a good night's sleep have become widely known, and now neuroscientists at UC San Francisco have discovered that the animal brain reinforces motor skills during deep sleep.

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