
Smart contact lenses that diagnose and treat diabetes

Diabetes is called an incurable disease because once it develops, it does not disappear regardless of treatment. Having diabetes means a life-long obligation of insulin shots and monitoring of blood glucose levels. But what ...


Mind-bending drugs and devices—can they make us smarter?

Demand for drugs and devices that can enhance brain functions such as memory, creativity, attention and intelligence, is on the rise. But could the long-term side-effects outweigh the benefits of being "smarter"?


Why 'smart drugs' can make you less clever

It is an open secret: while athletes dope their bodies, regular office workers dope their brains. They buy prescription drugs such as Ritalin or Provigil on the internet's flourishing black market to boost their cognitive ...


Study shows over 200 mobile apps related to dermatology

A surge of mobile apps related to dermatology has allowed scores of smart phone users to track and diagnose a wide range of skin diseases but doctors are urging caution, according to a study published today in the Journal ...

Oncology & Cancer

New drug targets skin cancer

A new class of drug targeting skin cancer's genetic material has been successfully tested in humans for the first time, opening the way to new treatments for a range of conditions from skin cancers to eye diseases.

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