Alzheimer's disease & dementia

Smartphone app to screen for early signs of dementia

Testing for dementia among elderly could one day be as simple as talking into a smartphone thanks to speech-analyzing technology being developed by engineers at UNSW Sydney.

Psychology & Psychiatry

How to deal with smartphone stress

In the past decade, smartphones have gone from being a status item to an indispensable part of our everyday lives. And we spend a lot of time on them, around four hours a day on average.

Arthritis & Rheumatism

Smartphone study shows pain more likely on humid, windy days

People with long-term health conditions are 20 percent more likely to suffer from pain on days that are humid and windy with low atmospheric pressure according to new research from University of Manchester scientists.


Smartphone app reminds heart patients to take their pills

Heart patients using a smartphone app reminder are more likely to take their medication than those who receive written instructions, according to a study presented at the 45th Argentine Congress of Cardiology (SAC 2019).


Are you eating more calories than you think?

(HealthDay)—You've worked hard to curb mindless eating by not watching TV with a bag of chips in your lap, and you log everything you do eat in your smartphone app. But you could still be taking in more calories than you ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Can smartphone apps improve mental health?

For most of us, using a smartphone has become a normal part of modern life. Smartphones give us access to information, entertainment and services at our fingertips through the Internet and applications. There is a smartphone ...


Smartphone-operated one-lead ECG detects A-fib, flutter

(HealthDay)—A smartphone-operated one-lead electrocardiography (1L-ECG) device with an integral algorithm can diagnose atrial fibrillation (AF) and atrial flutter (AFL), according to a study published in the September/October ...

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