
Youth smoking rates reduced by restaurant bans

(Medical Xpress)—Teenagers and young adults are less likely to smoke when faced with restaurant smoking bans and minimum tobacco-purchase ages in Europe, according to new research by a Purdue University sociologist.


Smoking to be stubbed out on Thai beaches

Smokers who flout a smoking ban on 20 of Thailand's most famous tourist beaches will face a $3,000 fine or up to a year in prison, Thai authorities have said.


US anti-smoking battle moves outdoors; more bans

The U.S. battle against smoking has moved outdoors. City parks, public beaches, college campuses and other outdoor venues are putting up signs telling smokers they can't light up. Outdoor smoking bans have nearly doubled ...


New Zealand to ban disposable vapes

New Zealand announced a ban on disposable vapes Tuesday, tightening the nation's chokehold on smoking as it also phases in a near-total prohibition on tobacco sales.


Passive smoking under fire when Swiss head to the polls

Switzerland is deeply divided ahead of a vote Sunday on whether to beef up a ban on smoking in indoor workplaces and public spaces, with supporters stressing the health benefits of less second-hand smoke and opponents decrying ...

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