
Helping smokers quit: Payments, personalized support can work

Money can be more powerful than nicotine, as a new study found that smokers who received financial incentives, in addition to personalized support, to help them quit were more successful than smokers who did not receive these ...

Oncology & Cancer

Smoking cessation support less likely for cancer patients

(HealthDay)—General practitioners are less likely to support cessation of smoking in patients with cancer than in those with coronary heart disease (CHD), according to a study published online Sept. 11 in the Annals of ...

Oncology & Cancer

Cancer survivors who quit smoking sooner can live longer

Lung cancer survivors who quit smoking within a year of diagnosis will live for longer than those who continue to smoke, according to new research led by the Universities of Birmingham and Oxford.


Smoking paradise Japan tries to kick the habit

Japan is moving to pass its strictest-ever smoking laws, but the country's powerful tobacco lobby wants to stub out measures that were adopted years ago by other developed nations.


Smoking and body weight—what's the connection?

As our readers may recall, my wife and I spent a couple of weeks in Spain in late August. I previously documented the mileage we accrued while exploring various cities in that beautiful country. Two things I always notice ...

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