Medical research

The real reason behind goosebumps

If you've ever wondered why we get goosebumps, you're in good company—so did Charles Darwin, who mused about them in his writings on evolution. Goosebumps might protect animals with thick fur from the cold, but we humans ...


The right way to breathe during the coronavirus pandemic

Inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth. It's not just something you do in yoga class—breathing this way actually provides a powerful medical benefit that can help the body fight viral infections.

Medical research

Feeling the pressure: How blood vessels sense their environment

Cells and tissues are not mere static structures. They have the ability to sense and dynamically react to external cues to ensure that they adapt to the ever-changing outside environment. Now, researchers from the University ...


Calcium channels play a key role in the development of diabetes

Researchers at Karolinska Institutet in Sweden have deciphered the diabetogenic role of a certain type of calcium channel in insulin-secreting beta cells. The researchers believe that blockade of these channels could be a ...

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