
When you're the only one on a diet

(HealthDay)—Dieting is tough enough. But when you're the only one at home cutting back on calories, you might face temptation every time you open the fridge.


TV snack ads make preschoolers snack more: study

(HealthDay)—Preschoolers who watched "Sesame Street" interrupted by TV ads for a salty snack food ended up eating more of that food soon after, a new study found.


Water—the office hero

The culture of grabbing something quick to eat amid a mounting pile of to-dos at work often leads to making the wrong decisions when searching for something to eat in the workplace. Unplanned cake offerings and the emergence ...


Clock controls junk food appeal

When it comes to extra kilojoules, a little more self-restraint won't go astray as the day progresses. New research from Flinders University and Liverpool University has studied the urge to snack more later in the day, even ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Brain stimulation to reduce food cravings? The data so far...

Available research suggests that noninvasive stimulation of a specific brain area can reduce food cravings—particularly for high-calorie, "appetitive" foods, according to a review in the Psychosomatic Medicine: Journal ...

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