
Even in the long term, 'light' does not make you slimmer

Offering light varieties of sweets, soft drinks or snacks only leads to over-consumption of these low-calorie products, in the long-term as well. It does not contribute to the reduction of obesity in the population. This ...


American snacking habits to blame for obesity: study

(Medical Xpress) -- In a new study published in PLoS Medicine, researchers have shown that it is not only the American habit of “super-sizing” meals that is leading to obesity, but the number of snacks and meals ...


Your fall game plan to avoid weight gain

When summer fruits and vegetables start to disappear from grocery stores, and the action shifts indoors to watching sports and munching on unhealthy snacks, it helps to have a diet plan in place to avoid weight gain.


New study highlights perils of snack-filled diet

A high-fat diet can be bad for your health. However, a snack-based "cafeteria"-style diet of highly palatable, energy-dense foods is even worse, according to new research.


Peanuts, peanut butter may hold key to preventing obesity

Hispanic middle school children, at high risk for being overweight or obese, reduced their Body Mass Index (BMI) when they adhered to a nutrition intervention that included a snack of peanuts, compared to those children who ...

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