Psychology & Psychiatry

How to ditch 'fomo' and foster 'jomo'—the joy of missing out

Have you ever felt a sense of joy because you knew you were missing out on an invitation to a party, shiny new opportunities or the latest social media posts and influencer trends because you were "unplugged?" If so, then ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Excessive screen time linked to suicidal behaviors in US preteens

Amidst the worsening teen mental health crisis and new legislation proposing to ban children under 16 from using social media, a new study finds that greater screen time among children 9-11 is associated with a higher risk ...


Study: To promote exercise, planners must look beyond cities

To encourage more active lifestyles, public health agencies recommend mixed-use neighborhoods and "complete" streets that are friendlier to walkers and bikers, but new Cornell University research finds that while those strategies ...

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