Psychology & Psychiatry

Molecular mechanism underlies anxiety, autism

A calcium-dependent molecular mechanism discovered in the brain cells of mice by Weill Cornell Medicine investigators may underlie the impaired social interactions and anxiety found in neuropsychiatric disorders – including ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Imbalance between serotonin and dopamine in social anxiety disorder

The balance between the neurotransmitters serotonin and dopamine may affect whether a person develops social anxiety disorder. Previous research has mainly focused on either the serotonin or the dopamine system individually. ...


Menopausal mood swings can signal more serious mental illness

Most women expect to experience the effects of hormonal changes when they come to menopause and many anticipate increased irritability and mood swings. But mood swings that can be just an annoyance for some women can develop ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Don't worry, be happy: Just go to bed earlier

When you go to bed, and how long you sleep at a time, might actually make it difficult for you to stop worrying. So say Jacob Nota and Meredith Coles of Binghamton University in the US, who found that people who sleep for ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Anxiety cues found in the brain despite safe environment

Imagine you are in a meadow picking flowers. You know that some flowers are safe, while others have a bee inside that will sting you. How would you react to this environment and, more importantly, how would your brain react? ...

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