
Strategies for improving sleep in older adults

Brienne Miner, MD, MHS, assistant professor of medicine (geriatrics), loves to talk about sleep. She first became interested in the subject when she noticed the prevalence of sleep problems among her older patients, and the ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Sexting found to be associated with negative mental heath

A new study has shown that sexting was associated with depression, anxiety, sleep problems, and compulsive sexual behaviors. The study is published in Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Excessive screen time linked to suicidal behaviors in US preteens

Amidst the worsening teen mental health crisis and new legislation proposing to ban children under 16 from using social media, a new study finds that greater screen time among children 9-11 is associated with a higher risk ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

How to deal with anxiety

It's natural for everyone to experience anxiety at different times in their lives. Maybe you're worried about making a good first impression with your new partner's family, and you become anxious in the days leading up to ...


Leptin helps hungry mice choose sex over food

To eat or to mate—that is the question (and the answer is: moderately hungry mice choose to mate). Researchers publishing in the journal Cell Metabolism on Thursday, February 23, show that hungry mice prioritize interacting ...

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