
After a heart attack, physical activity makes you feel better

Heart attack patients who take part in a lifestyle improvement programme feel better—especially when they do additional physical activity. That's the finding of a large study presented today on ACVC Essentials 4 You, a ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

How do you know when it's time to break up? Here's the research

Christmas may be a time of giving, but it's also a peak time for break-ups. Facing the prospect of spending yet another festive season with their romantic partner, many people start having doubts about their relationship ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Teen self-harm rates: What other countries can learn from Denmark

Concern has been growing over rising rates of self-harm in teenagers. In the UK and Ireland, increases began around the time of the 2008 economic crash and show no sign of slowing. One study of the UK found rates among teenage ...


Staying healthy now to work into older age

(HealthDay)—While you can take Social Security benefits at age 62 and get 75% of your maximum, waiting until you reach full retirement age (between age 66 and 67 depending on the year you were born) gets you much closer ...

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