
To be less sedentary, you may need a more active friend

A newly developed mathematical model incorporates the influence of social interactions on community exercise trends, suggesting that interacting with moderately active people could influence sedentary people to become more ...


Bisphenol A exposure cost $3 billion in 2008

(HealthDay)—About $3 billion in health costs in 2008 could be attributed to bisphenol A (BPA) exposure, and removing BPA from all food uses could save nearly $2 billion annually, according to a study published online Jan. ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Sharing voluntarily makes young kids happy

If humans are primarily motivated by self-interest, as traditional economic theory claims, why do we sometimes perform acts of generosity that don't yield us any material benefits? Indeed, such altruistic behavior may sometimes ...


After a heart attack, physical activity makes you feel better

Heart attack patients who take part in a lifestyle improvement programme feel better—especially when they do additional physical activity. That's the finding of a large study presented today on ACVC Essentials 4 You, a ...

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