Psychology & Psychiatry

How smartphones weaken attention spans in children and adults

It's no secret that smartphones and other digital devices control and consume our attention, both among adults and young people. This can be illustrated with three different, but very common scenarios:

Alzheimer's disease & dementia

Brain boost: Can a coach help elders at risk for Alzheimer's?

As more medications move towards federal approval for Alzheimer's disease, a new study led by researchers at UC San Francisco and Kaiser Permanente Washington has found that personalized health and lifestyle changes can delay ...

Gerontology & Geriatrics

Outlook on exercise may curb aging anxiety

Since 2011, roughly 10,000 people in the U.S. have turned 65 every day. The Baby Boomer generation and those born before 1946 make up the country's fastest growing age group, which is on track to outnumber children by 2035.

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