
Improve balance by lightening up about posture

Your parents told you to sit up straight. Your fitness trainer tells you to engage your core. Turns out it might be bad advice—and it could inadvertently increase the risk of falls in older adults.


Monkey studies reveal possible origin of human speech

Most animals, including our primate cousins, communicate: they gesture, grimace, grunt, and sing. As a rule, however, they do not speak. So how, exactly, did humans acquire their unique talent for verbal discourse? And how ...


25 new autism-related gene variants discovered

Genetics researchers have identified 25 additional copy number variations (CNVs)—missing or duplicated stretches of DNA—that occur in some patients with autism. These CNVs, say the researchers, are "high impact": although ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

The knowing nose: Chemosignals communicate human emotions

(Medical Xpress)—Many animal species transmit information via chemical signals, but the extent to which these chemosignals play a role in human communication is unclear. In a new study published in Psychological Science, ...

Autism spectrum disorders

Could nasal spray of 'love hormone' treat autism?

(HealthDay) -- Children with autism given a squirt of a nasal spray containing the hormone oxytocin showed more activity in brain regions known to be involved with processing social information, a small study found.

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