
How social connectedness affects health

Many Americans do not realize that what takes place in the formal healthcare system only affects 15 percent of the outcomes for an individual and their family. The other 85 percent is attributed to our social determinants ...

Alzheimer's disease & dementia

Study hard and you might lower your chances of dementia

Every year hundreds of elderly students gather in Toronto for convocation, in-person and online, anxiously awaiting their diplomas. Some are in their nineties; some have dementia.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Social isolation health message fails to cut through

Social isolation has been shown to pose a greater health threat than smoking, poor diet and lack of exercise – but that message is failing to get through to the community.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Having a social group will improve your health

It's well established that people who feel socially isolated, or as though they don't belong, have worse mental health than those who feel socially connected. But in a study recently published in the Australian & New Zealand ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Social connectedness can increase suicide risk

Community characteristics play an important role in perpetuating teen suicide clusters and thwarting prevention efforts, according to a new study by sociologists at the University of Chicago and University of Memphis who ...


Mayo Clinic has established model to help battle burnout

(HealthDay)—In an effort to reduce burnout among physicians, the Mayo Clinic is initiating a model to raise camaraderie and increase collaboration, according to a report published by the American Medical Association (AMA).

Psychology & Psychiatry

Study links personality changes to changes in social well-being

(Medical Xpress)—Researchers report that changes in social well-being are closely tied to one's personality, with positive changes in one corresponding to similar changes in the other. Their study reveals potential new ...

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