Psychology & Psychiatry

Emotional expressions of love and loathing clearly differ in motions

How would we express emotions if we were limited to using only our bodily movements instead of facial expressions? What types of movements express pride or how do we signal sadness? How rapid is emotional contagion, and how ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Feeling blue? Taking a break from Facebook might help

A new study shows that regular use of social networking such as Facebook can negatively affect your emotional well-being and satisfaction with life. But you don't have to quit Facebook altogether; simply changing your social ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Brain disruptions similar across many emotional disorders

Researchers have long known that emotional disorders have a lot in common. Many often occur together, like depression and social anxiety disorder. Treatments also tend to work across multiple disorders, suggesting shared ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Oxytocin enhances spirituality, new study says

Oxytocin has been dubbed the "love hormone" for its role promoting social bonding, altruism and more. Now new research from Duke University suggests the hormone may also support spirituality.

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