Psychology & Psychiatry

Feeling blue? Taking a break from Facebook might help

A new study shows that regular use of social networking such as Facebook can negatively affect your emotional well-being and satisfaction with life. But you don't have to quit Facebook altogether; simply changing your social ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Sharing positive feelings may ease loneliness-based negativity

Even in the best of times, loneliness can contribute to psychological issues—depression, anxiety—and physical health problems whose effects on mortality rank with smoking 10-plus cigarettes a day. In the worst, like the ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

The importance of social support during pregnancy

Whether it is a cup of tea and a chat, the loan of some baby equipment in preparation for the new arrival, or a hug when things seem overwhelming, social support from family and friends can make a big difference to the wellbeing ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Building 'bravery muscles' to fight rising youth anxiety

Amid the ongoing mental health crisis among America's youth, the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force issued a draft recommendation earlier this year that physicians begin screening children as young as 8 for anxiety. R. Meredith ...

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